5 Foods That Cause The Greasy Hair and The 3 Ways To Prevent It

When we treat oily hair, we usually end up using special shampoos, hiding them in a ponytail or washing them very often. But there are other tips that can help you manage the excess oil without working too hard. For example, eating certain foods may actually reduce the amount of oil produced, while other types of food may increase it.

At FullnessBuzz, we’ve put together a list of foods to avoid and another list to keep in mind when trying to repair oily hair.

Foods to avoid:

1. Sugar

Hormones are the messengers of our body that help control almost all the processes that take place in us. That’s why it’s important to keep them in balance. Sugar is not a product that helps that. In fact, it creates an imbalance with hormones. That’s why, instead of helping, this affects the body’s inflammatory processes and increases the blood sugar level, which encourages the glands to produce more oil.

2. Refined carbs

There are good (or complex) carbohydrates and bad (or simple) carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates are related to the second group: bad carbohydrates. Bread is a good example of a refined carbohydrate food: white bread made from refined grains is softer and softer than whole wheat bread. As a result, refined grains are grains that are processed by producers to make them softer and lighter.

The sad part of this is that these carbohydrates overload our body with the work of carbohydrate treatment. This process causes the fatty glands to produce excess sebum and end up with a greasy scalp.

3. Fried foods

All fried foods, especially fried foods and fast foods, overload our body with oil due to excessive stimulation of the sebaceous glands. The oil they produce covers our skin, including the scalp, with extra fat.

Therefore, having a fast food burger at night can turn your hair into a messy mess at night. Not only should you avoid consuming these foods to make your diet healthier, but also to make your hair cleaner.

4. Milk products

Strange as it may seem, dairy products can also be blamed for producing more sebum. Indeed, bodies like oils and fats digest dairy products, such as milk, butter and cheese, leaving us with sticky hair and facial acne. They also contain components linked to excessive amounts of hormone, testosterone, which also affects the excessive production of sebum.

Therefore, a glass of hot, high-fat milk in the evening may require urgent washing of hair in the morning.

5. Salt

Excessive salt intake causes swelling, bags under the eyes, dandruff and general dehydration of the body. The last point encourages the body to produce more oil to fight the lack of water. Again, all of this eventually causes hair sticky and oily, especially in those who are subject to it. This is why it is important to pay attention to the consumption of crackers, fries, chips and salted nuts because they are those which contain an excess of salt.

Products to eat instead:

Foods rich in vitamins B and E

Vitamins B and E are among the most important vitamins for our body and hair. Not only do they help develop strong and beautiful hair, but they also regulate the production of extra oils, which makes them more beautiful. Foods like beans, vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin B and are the ones that can help your hair to be breathtaking. Vitamin E is found in green leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds and nuts.

Foods rich in zinc

Our body needs zinc in small amounts and this mineral is not stored in us. The good news is that if you increase your intake of zinc-rich products, it can help combat the oil production of your body. You can find zinc dietary supplements, however, it is also available in natural foods such as oats, shellfish and eggs.

Good fats

Having a hair type prone to fat does not mean that you should stop consuming fat completely. Fats are an important part of the proper functioning of our body. Just adjust the intake of saturated and trans fats. They are rather easy to identify because they tend to stay solid at room temperature. Therefore, margarine, butter and animal fats are all trans fatty acids. Change them to “good” fats such as nuts, vegetable oils and other fish.

What other ways to fight greasy hair that you know? Please tell us about it in the comments!